  >  Posts tagged "Lookoff"

Difficulty: Difficult (Terrain, Navigation). Facilities: Large parking lot.  No garbage cans or other facilities (pack out what you pack in). Signage: None. Features: 5km (2.5hr return trip) or 1.5km (1-hour return trip) directly to a scenic bench.  Rugged, narrow, natural

Difficulty: Moderate (Distance, terrain, elevation). Elevation profile. Facilities: Parking, garbage cans, picnic table & bike lock rack.  Signage: Excellent.  Maps, info & markings throughout. Features: 9.3km (~3hr) return trip on foot, including 6km along bicycle-friendly rails-to-trails.  Easy to navigate with 3

Difficulty: Moderate (distance & rugged terrain). 7.5km (~2.5hrs). Relatively flat elevation profile. Facilities: Parking, benches, and toilets. Signage: Minimal, adequate trail signage with an info panel at the trailhead. Features: One of the province's best beaches followed by a looped coastal

Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult (Terrain/Navigation). Click to view the elevation profiles for the Basin Trail & Loop Trail. Facilities: Minimal parking. Signage: None. Categories: #Coastal, #Bird-Watching, #Hiking, #Lookoff. Polly's Cove Guide      Polly's Cove will encompass you with memorably striking scenery

Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult (distance/elevation/terrain). Facilities: Parking Lot, sheltered picnic areas, toilets. Signage: Trailhead information kiosk, map, trail markers. Features: 5 different wilderness hiking trails. 15km multi-use, rails-to-trails spine trail. Spectacular views from various lookoff points. Categories: #Backcountry, #Biking,

Difficulty: Moderate (rugged, rocky & wet terrain). Up to 2km (~1hr) return trip. Facilities: Parking, Benches, Paved Lookoff area. Signage: None Features: Scenic parking area with a rugged, unmarked coastline trail. Expansive ocean views throughout. A great place to watch shipping traffic

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate (hills).  Elevation profile. Infrastructure: Parking lot, garbage cans, benches, wide trails with crusherdust base. Signage: Trail signage throughout (little-to-none on Ravine Trail), maps at entrances & key intersections. Features: #Bird-Watching, #Biking, #Bus-Access, #Dog-Friendly, #Family-Friendly, #Historic-Site, #Loop, #Off-Leash,

Difficulty: Difficult (Terrain/Hills/Navigation). View the trail elevation profile. Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: 2-3 hour return trip.  Connects to a broader range of trails in the Kearney Lake trail system.  Hilly, rugged & unmarked trails for experienced hikers.  Plenty of great

Difficulty: Moderate (Terrain, Distance). Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: One of Halifax's most scenic coastal hikes.  Part of a sensitive nature reserve (tread lightly). Up to 8km return trip (3-4hrs). Categories: #Coastal, #Lookoff, #Hiking, #NatureReserve, #Bird-Watching. GPS Map Files |

Difficulty: Moderate (rugged terrain) Setting: Coastal barrens, lighthouse, nature reserve. Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features:  Iconic Nova Scotia coastal beauty with lighthouse and foghorn navigation aids for ships entering Halifax Harbour.  Access road now closed (must park before, but not block, the gate). 

Difficulty: Difficult (terrain, hills, navigation). View elevation profile. Facilities: None. Signage: Unmarked, sparse signage & maps. Features: Challenging 4km (2hour) loop.  Rugged, rocky, hilly landscape with a natural amphitheater-like lookoff.  Part of a broader system of trails with plenty to

Difficulty: Difficult (distance, periodic 4-5° sloping incline/declines). Facilities: Parking lot, toilets. Signage: Trail markers & info kiosk at the trailhead, well marked and signed throughout. Features: 13.5km (4-5 hour return trip) of forested trails with spectacular coastal views. New "Scots Bay

Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult (Distance/Terrain). 4 stacked loops (~4 hours each). Facilities: Parking, bike rack, and garbage cans at the trailhead. Signage: Info kiosk at the trailhead, periodic maps, and trail markings throughout. Categories: #Backcountry, #Full-Day, #Lake, #Lookoff, #Nature-Reserve, #Old-Growth, #Paddling,

Difficulty: Difficult (terrain/navigation). View elevation profile. Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: The highest point of Halifax's Chebucto Peninsula. Part of the #Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area. A rugged 3.5km (~1 hour) return trip to the top & back. Tags: #Blue

Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult (hills, rugged terrain, distance). Facilities: Parking, camping, washrooms. Signage: Adequate signage throughout. Features: Over 10km of hiking trails with views of the Minas Basin.  Home to some of the world's highest tides.  Fully equipped provincial park campground (click

Difficulty: Easy. Setting: Urban marsh, pond, gravel paths. Facilities: Benches, garbage cans, dog bag dispensers. Signage: Educational info panels, maps, and signs. Features: An easy, #Accessible trail for all. Great look-off in the middle of the marsh, an ideal spot for birdwatching.

Difficulty: Moderate (Terrain/Navigation). Facilities: None. Signage: Minimal signage, unmarked trails. Features: 29-hectare urban wilderness park.  2km, 1hr return trip. Beautiful views of the Bedford Basin. Biodiversity: Old-Growth Forest | Osprey | White Pine | More

Difficulty: Easy. Facilities: Parking, washrooms, picnic tables. Signage:  Interpretive panels. Features: Great views of the mouth of Halifax Harbour, opposite McNabs Island. 200-year-old fortifications, a key part of Halifax's harbour defence system.  Scenic #coastal bluffs and walking trails. Biodiversity: Fiddlehead

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