West Dover Provincial Park
Difficulty: Difficult (Terrain, Navigation). Facilities: Large parking lot. No garbage cans or other facilities (pack out what you pack in). Signage: None. Features: 5km (2.5hr return trip) or 1.5km (1-hour return trip) directly to a scenic bench. Rugged, narrow, natural
Castle Rock Trail
Difficulty: Moderate (Distance, terrain, elevation). Elevation profile. Facilities: Parking, garbage cans, picnic table & bike lock rack. Signage: Excellent. Maps, info & markings throughout. Features: 9.3km (~3hr) return trip on foot, including 6km along bicycle-friendly rails-to-trails. Easy to navigate with 3
Gaff Point Hiking Trail
Difficulty: Moderate (distance & rugged terrain). 7.5km (~2.5hrs). Relatively flat elevation profile. Facilities: Parking, benches, and toilets. Signage: Minimal, adequate trail signage with an info panel at the trailhead. Features: One of the province's best beaches followed by a looped coastal
Susies Lake – Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes
Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult (Navigation/Terrain). Facilities: None. (Pack out what you pack in & Leave No Trace.) Signage: Little-to-none. Occasional "wilderness area" signs. Unmarked trails. Features: Part of the Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area. Popular, scenic "Flagpole Hill" lookoff
Polly’s Cove Hiking Trails
Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult (Terrain/Navigation). Click to view the elevation profiles for the Basin Trail & Loop Trail. Facilities: Minimal parking. Signage: None. Categories: #Coastal, #Bird-Watching, #Hiking, #Lookoff. Polly's Cove Guide Polly's Cove will encompass you with memorably striking scenery
Musquodoboit Trailway
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult (distance/elevation/terrain). Facilities: Parking Lot, sheltered picnic areas, toilets. Signage: Trailhead information kiosk, map, trail markers. Features: 5 different wilderness hiking trails. 15km multi-use, rails-to-trails spine trail. Spectacular views from various lookoff points. Categories: #Backcountry, #Biking,
Hobsons Lake Trail, Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult (Terrain/Navigation). Facilities: None. Signage: Unmarked trails with occasional signage and maps (sparse). Features: 3-hour roundtrip loop or 40min up-and-back to Hobson's Lake. Scenic cascade waterfall along Hobson Brook. Part of the Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness,
Herring Cove Provincial Park Reserve
Difficulty: Moderate (rugged, rocky & wet terrain). Up to 2km (~1hr) return trip. Facilities: Parking, Benches, Paved Lookoff area. Signage: None Features: Scenic parking area with a rugged, unmarked coastline trail. Expansive ocean views throughout. A great place to watch shipping traffic
Hemlock Ravine Park
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate (hills). Elevation profile. Infrastructure: Parking lot, garbage cans, benches, wide trails with crusherdust base. Signage: Trail signage throughout (little-to-none on Ravine Trail), maps at entrances & key intersections. Features: #Bird-Watching, #Biking, #Bus-Access, #Dog-Friendly, #Family-Friendly, #Historic-Site, #Loop, #Off-Leash,
Fox Lake Hiking Trail
Difficulty: Difficult (Terrain/Hills/Navigation). View the trail elevation profile. Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: 2-3 hour return trip. Connects to a broader range of trails in the Kearney Lake trail system. Hilly, rugged & unmarked trails for experienced hikers. Plenty of great
Duncan’s Cove Nature Reserve
Difficulty: Moderate (Terrain, Distance). Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: One of Halifax's most scenic coastal hikes. Part of a sensitive nature reserve (tread lightly). Up to 8km return trip (3-4hrs). Categories: #Coastal, #Lookoff, #Hiking, #NatureReserve, #Bird-Watching. GPS Map Files |
Chebucto Head
Difficulty: Moderate (rugged terrain) Setting: Coastal barrens, lighthouse, nature reserve. Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: Iconic Nova Scotia coastal beauty with lighthouse and foghorn navigation aids for ships entering Halifax Harbour. Access road now closed (must park before, but not block, the gate).
Charlies Lake Trail
Difficulty: Difficult (terrain, hills, navigation). View elevation profile. Facilities: None. Signage: Unmarked, sparse signage & maps. Features: Challenging 4km (2hour) loop. Rugged, rocky, hilly landscape with a natural amphitheater-like lookoff. Part of a broader system of trails with plenty to
Cape Split Provincial Park
Difficulty: Difficult (distance, periodic 4-5° sloping incline/declines). Facilities: Parking lot, toilets. Signage: Trail markers & info kiosk at the trailhead, well marked and signed throughout. Features: 13.5km (4-5 hour return trip) of forested trails with spectacular coastal views. New "Scots Bay
The Bluff Wilderness Trail
Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult (Distance/Terrain). 4 stacked loops (~4 hours each). Facilities: Parking, bike rack, and garbage cans at the trailhead. Signage: Info kiosk at the trailhead, periodic maps, and trail markings throughout. Categories: #Backcountry, #Full-Day, #Lake, #Lookoff, #Nature-Reserve, #Old-Growth, #Paddling,
Blue Mountain Hiking Trail
Difficulty: Difficult (terrain/navigation). View elevation profile. Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: The highest point of Halifax's Chebucto Peninsula. Part of the #Blue Mountain-Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area. A rugged 3.5km (~1 hour) return trip to the top & back. Tags: #Blue
Blomidon Provincial Park
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult (hills, rugged terrain, distance). Facilities: Parking, camping, washrooms. Signage: Adequate signage throughout. Features: Over 10km of hiking trails with views of the Minas Basin. Home to some of the world's highest tides. Fully equipped provincial park campground (click
Belchers Marsh Park
Difficulty: Easy. Setting: Urban marsh, pond, gravel paths. Facilities: Benches, garbage cans, dog bag dispensers. Signage: Educational info panels, maps, and signs. Features: An easy, #Accessible trail for all. Great look-off in the middle of the marsh, an ideal spot for birdwatching.
Admiral Cove Park
Difficulty: Moderate (Terrain/Navigation). Facilities: None. Signage: Minimal signage, unmarked trails. Features: 29-hectare urban wilderness park. 2km, 1hr return trip. Beautiful views of the Bedford Basin. Biodiversity: Old-Growth Forest | Osprey | White Pine | More
Terence Bay Wilderness Area – Sorrow’s End
Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult (terrain). Facilities: None. Signage: None. Features: 4 500-hectare protected wilderness area. Rock formations popular with rock climbers. Wet, rugged, difficult coastal barrens terrain. Biodiversity: Jack Pine | Crowberry | Bog Wetlands | More
York Redoubt National Historic Site
Difficulty: Easy. Facilities: Parking, washrooms, picnic tables. Signage: Interpretive panels. Features: Great views of the mouth of Halifax Harbour, opposite McNabs Island. 200-year-old fortifications, a key part of Halifax's harbour defence system. Scenic #coastal bluffs and walking trails. Biodiversity: Fiddlehead