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Kejimkujik Info
Difficulty: Difficult (Distance).
Setting: Old logging road leading to the fire observation tower.
Facilities: Camping cabin, parking.
Signage: Adequate.
Basic 2 person cabin with stove, kitchen and bunk beds.
Fire tower is in the heart of the park on a high point.
A 20km trail from Eel Weir Bridge.
Kejimkujik National Park, (1of 2 in the province) is a well-known camping destination. Its well preserved, the expansive land is an oasis for un-tampered nature in the south of the province. Its old-growth forest and bio-diversity are a huge draw.
Camping at Keji is very popular. There are many different campsites throughout the park, including backcountry sites. Canoe and bike rentals are a must to reach some of the more remote areas of the park. In winter, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing is the best way to see the park.
The fire tower trail is a 19km trail, leading to the fire observation tower for the park. The trail can be shortened to about 10km in the on-season, as you can drive in eel weir rd. and park in a lot. In the off-season (when we went) the gate is locked and you must walk (or ski) the full 19km. The trail follows a well-maintained road the entire distance and is a fairly steady incline most of the way in. The scenery isn’t the most spectacular in the park, but you can still get a good idea of the diverse nature and the extensive lake and waterway system that runs throughout the park. Curated camping gear with custom price drop alerts.
The fire tower cabin (book with the visitor centre) is a cheap and simple cabin, which is a great place to stay if you want something more than a tent. It comes equipped with running water in the on-season, a wood stove, bunk beds, wood, and an outhouse. Very basic, but you don’t come here to stay in a chalet. The cabin sits next to the fire tower (do not climb) and is also a couple of km from a portage area off of the main lake.
Make sure you set aside a minimum of 2 days for this trip, and use the cabin as a home base to set out and explore other areas of the park. Support Halifax so I can continue updating and adding more free guides like this.
Kejimkujik Habitat: Southern Flying Squirrel | Northern Ribbon Snake | Water-Pennywort
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